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The Epic Beyond

The night the sparkling dancer glittered
from her silver harbour New York bound
a star studded brand of vision foundered
on the sky of our collective memory

no movie maker ever dreamed
a braver script- the glamour of it-
no scheme seemed so fabulous
as strings of floating jewels

candle- lit to cross the water
moving out without a sound.
Diamonds are forever is the line
the singer sings and there’s no love

song finer but strange is the change
from major to minor: the sink
from delicate Debussy tinkling
on the ivories, the pure and fragile

chinking of Stravinsky, to the shattering
of glass. Twinkling water can be cold
and turn to ice, all that glitters is not gold,
strife rides the Atlantic and conditions

are adverse; humanity itself it seems
is all at sea. To call her the Titanic
was an epic choice, but still a small
prophetic voice speaks buoyancy

believable and beautiful and bold.

Sharon Jones

Original painting available to purchase from Gormleys Fine Art Gallery